
  • OMG! By George, I don't got it!

    Well, dearest readers, as they say in Bridgerton, I spoke too soon. Last time I posted, I was absolutely sure I had solved the last of the design p...
  • OMG! By George, I've Got It!

    Well, it has been a truly rough road for the music-inspired EGBDF sweater. For those of you who have been following this saga, I began designing th...
  • Sometimes a great notion...

    Well, Sometimes my designs lead to design dilemmas. The photo is a preview of my next design, the EGBDF sweater. You might recall I've already kni...
  • New Adventures!

    Well, lots to report. First of all, I'm sooooo lazy when it comes to social media for Sanford Eliot Knits. I really have to get better at it. So he...
  • The dyeing adventure begins!

           One of the great things about the Internet is the ready availabity of videos teaching us to do nearly anything we can imagine (and probably ...
  • Adventures in spinning

    Well, I think I might have dived off the deep end again. I've decided to teach myself to spin. Why? I don't know. Curiosity? I'm a glutton for puni...
  • Woe was me but better now!

     went back to the existing version reinvigorated. Had I known that shopping for new yarn would have that effect, I would have done it sooner! 
  • The Masochism Tango

    To quote that great genius of both math and songwriting, Tom Lehrer,
  • Oy, Vay!

    Well. I've designed a new sweater called Every Good Boy Does Fine. If you've ever studied music, you'll be familiar with that phrase as we learned ...
  • Well, finally!

    After a fallow year in which I didn't lift a finger related to knitting, during which I neither designed nor knit, I finally have a new design in t...
  • Adventures in dyeing

    Adventures in dyeing
  • Bored. Boredboredbored. And more bored.

    Israel is now in the midst of its third lockdown and Covid fatigue is finally catching up with me. Because I am majorly bored.